06 August 2009

Before you go I wanted to say...

Whoa!!! It's been a while since I've blogged. Gonna get back into the swing of things. For those of you who just stumbled across this, as you may have noticed this is something like my personal diary.

So recently I've been Jonas Brothers obsessed. I love their new album especially the song "Black Keys." It's AMAZING! If i can choose on song of their to be my favorite though it'll definitely be "Sorry" from their A Little Bit Longer album. The lyrics are awesome and it just has so much emotion that it's hard not to feel the emotions.

Nothing really has been going on I've just been working and stuff. School is approaching so I have to start preparing myself for papers, deadlines, exams, professors, and all that jazz. Sounds like fun right? :( Wish me luck


Currently listening to: Sorry-Jonas Brothers

25 April 2009

I Toss and Turn

For some reason I feel gloomy today. I feel depressed and alone. I always feel alone though, well sometimes.

If I had to pinpoint a reason why i feel this way I'd say that people underestimate my feelings for certain situations. For example, if something bad happens to me, and I make it seem like my world is falling apart, people would say "Oh yeah but it could be worse" or "I went through worse." It makes me think that people believe that I'm being idiotic or stupid for feeling hurt or "down." The only reason I make a big deal about it is because to me it really feels like the end of the world.

I guess I just have to live with people thinking that way.


Currently listening to: The Prayer-Kid Cudi

11 April 2009

You Knocked Me Down

Friendship is supposed to be love, trust, and most of all honesty. Why is it that some people find it so hard to speak the truth? I understand that the truth is sometimes hard to face, if anyone knows anything about that it should be me! But why must someone create lies and make up these absurd scenarios for whatever reason it may be?

At this moment in my life I don't want to tolerate any liars. If I give my all to a relationship, any type of relationship, why can't the other person do the same? It's hurtful and it makes me want to give up on everything and everyone. It makes me want to forget about everyone and it makes me want to be alone. This way I won't have to deal with any one's bullshit. Why do I always have to test my friendships? Why is it that I can not have ONE functional friendship? Even when I think I have at least one true friend, it seems like I am alone and lost more than a person should be when they supposedly have friends.

I can't think straight right now. I feel completely abandoned for some reason and I feel betrayed. I'm a magnet for dysfunctional relationships--i have decided that now.

Au Revoir

Currently listening to: You're Not Sorry-Taylor Swift

16 March 2009

Nada Duele Mas Que Estar Asi

I've been blind sighted for so long. What I thought was real was nothing but a facade. A good front that was put up and believed. One of my biggest fears is living a lie and I feel that that is exactly what has happened. I've been living in this lie believing something that wasn't really real. I can't say that I am completely shocked to figure this out, but I wish I would've been wrong. It would've been less hurtful and less humiliating. Cause all in all, that is what I feel, humiliated. I tried so hard to defend my feelings and to prove them to people. Now it turns out that those people were right all along. There's nothing else I can do but put my head down when I am told "I told you so."

Even though I learned so much from this experience, more than I thought I was going to, I wish it never would've happened cause now, I'm more lost than I ever was.


Currently listening to: Where I Stood-Missy Higgins

11 March 2009

All I needed was a call...

Lost and insecure. That's how I feel right now. Where do I fit in? Who am I really? What makes me stand out from everyone else? Do I even exist in this place we call society? Who do I want to be? What makes me want to be? Who really cares for me? Who will be there for me when I need to be taken to the hospital? Who will be my guide? Who will care enough to take time off from their own schedule to help me out? Who really loves me?

All of these a bunch of questions that I can't seem to find answers to. I'm left lost and insecure.


Currently listening to: Digale-David Bisbal

08 March 2009

A Youth Always In Love

When it comes to love, how do we show it?

Simply saying "I love you" doesn't mean it's true. There is more to love than just words. There is action and reaction. Lately, I've been trying to tell the people I love how much I love and appreciate them. But I am now realizing that saying it is not enough. In order for people to really understand my feelings I need to show it, with actions. So I vow to show my loved ones, with actions, how much I really do care for them, how much I appreciate them, and how glad I am that they are part of my lives.


Currently listening to: El Desprecio-Aventura

05 March 2009

Comfort late at night...

If I could be anything in the world I would be a photographer. Unfortunately, I'm not that great at photography but it is a passion of mine. I took this picture at Rockefeller Center. I wanted to capture the beauty of these tulips and lucky for me the weather was perfect.

Photography and music are my outlets. I can forget about real life and live in a complete different world from my own. Music especially is like an escape for me. When I want to forget or ignore something, I put on my headphones and head to paradise; my paradise.

To take photographs is like being able to tell a story in a picture. When a photograph is taken, nothing is known but what is captured. Anyone can make an inference as to what the photograph means and its open for interpretation. Each person will obviously have a different outlook and that's what makes it beautiful. If i take a photograph of a tree, it can simply mean a tree to some, but to others it can have a deeper meaning. If its a bare tree photographed in black and white, it would remind me of loneliness and I would think it also refers to some form of serenity. The beauty of photography is that you can interpret it many ways.



Currently listening to: Something to Believe In-Aqualung

Mantengo la esperanza

Hello All,

Have I mentioned that I was laid off. I know--it sucks! But i'm getting over it. Hopefully I can find a job soon because I hate being home all the time. It makes me feel unproductive and like a plague to society. How could people enjoy being unemployed and living under mommy's roof? It makes me sick to my stomach. I guess it's cause ever since I was legally allowed to work that's what I've been doing--working.

Besides that, I'm listening to some music. I was trying to add a play list to this blog but I'm having a little bit of trouble. Any ideas? I would greatly appreciate your help!

Well I'm off...Later

Currently listening to: Bottle it Up-Sara Bareilles

First Blog

Hello everyone!

This is my first blog as you can probably tell. Hopefully I can entertain everyone with some of my stuff but I really am doing this as a way to express myself. My friend also helped by telling me about this place.

I'll usually write about my feelings, i love music so I'm sure I'll put some song lyrics on here. I don't know, whatever I'm in the mood for.
